10 April 2017

Sosial Media

Bahas sosial media itu nggak ada habisnya. Gw menghabiskan banyak waktu di sosial media *no wonder I have no real social life :)))*, entah aktif posting atau aktif making a silent judgement akan hal yang berseliweran di sosial media.

Tiap ngomongin sosial media, gw biasanya jadi kontemplasi. Apalagi dua hari belakangan gw sempet baca ini (poin nomor 1), baca ini dan nonton video ini (tonton videonya sampe kelar, gw selalu ngakak tiap nonton Gervais, doi terlalu brilian, ❤ ).

Dari menit 2.10 Ricky Gervais sempet ngomong, '....."my opinion is worth as much as your opinion," but people started thinking that,  "my opinion was worth as much as your facts," and that's just not true. And that came from people finding their groups and on social media, they found their mobs, their found comfort with like-minded people. And it was like two armies.' Dia lanjut lagi, 'Social media is another form of communication, another outlet you know only amplifies things. You can't say this is terrible, there are idiots on Twitter, but there are idiots on high street, you got to go there, probably at the same percentage. It's just that now people feel that they have voice. Most people wouldn't sat things to you in the street they would on Twitter.'   

Kok bener banget sih?!?!?! 

Gw juga nggak tahu gimana menarik benang merah secara mulus artikel yang ditulis MbaLei, omongan Ricky Gervais, atau artikel di 1843Magazine. Tapi gw ngerasa apa yang ditulis/diomongin di situ sangat berkaitan dan bener banget. 

Dari video di atas, gw sih ngerasa banget. Gw ngetwit tentang apa pun, dari Trump sampai Gert Wilders, bahas Ewan Mcgregor sampai Adam Levine, ngomel ga puguh ngetwit ga jelas dan tiada guna. Gw mungkin masih bakal bilang, 'You are hot I like you a lot let's get a room,' kalau hadap-hadapan sama Adam Levine atau Ewan McGregor, tapi kalau gw hadap-hadapan sama Trump atau Wilders, emang gw bakal bilang semua yang pernah gw tulis di sosmed? Hhhhmmmmmm, kemungkinan engga. Atau ketika isu DP 0% sedang panas-panasnya, secara nggak langsung gw bilang DP 0% di Indo untuk saat ini itu halu. I found my mob, most of people I follow on Twitter said it so, I found my armies, my comfort with like-minded people. But if I stand face to face with Pak Anies, will I say it? Well maybe no...eh wait, yes, most likely YES. I think I still dare to do it :)))))) *self toyor*

Meskipun begitu, pada kenyatannya gw yakin kalau banyak sekali ocehan gw yang hanya berani gw tuangkan di Twitter. I feel that I have a voice, I have my own stage. Gw liat banyak banget fenomena kayak gini, dari mulai mereka yang kerjaannya menghina pemerintah sampai jelek-jelekin presiden, eh begitu ketemu presiden sih mingkem dan ngajak foto bareng. Atau orang-orang yang berkata kasar atau menyulut twitwar dengan seseorang, tapi begitu dikontak secara personal, diajak ketemu dan ngomong, eh tiba-tiba mingkem dan mengkeret semua. Yes, the power of the mob and like-minded people. Seperti yang dibilang MbaLei dan juga hasil pengamatan gw di akun Lambe Turah *ketauan deh, gw antek-antek lamtur :)))*, ketika ada suatu berita naik di LamTur, beuhhhhh, komen-komennya bikin ngelus dadanya Jake Gyllenhaal. Tapi ketika gw iseng-iseng *iseng-iseng? emang niat elo mah Ning!* cek beberapa akun yang kasih komen pedes dan luar biasa kasar, mereka biasanya akun privat. They found their mob, their like-minded people, together bashing some other people but hide behind private account, why? because why not. It's like, 'I am allowed to judge and bash you, but sorry you can't do the same.' 

MbaLei sempet menggarisbawahi juga kalau yang namanya sosial media itu terkurasi, yang mana bener banget. Ada bagian dari artikel 1843Magazine yang ,ya ampun!!!, kok bener banget.
The internet and social media don’t create new personalities; they allow people to express sides of themselves that social norms discourage in the “real world”. 
Artikel itu pun menunjukkan hasil penelitian yang, lagi-lagi, astaga kok bener banget.

.....giving subjects a simple task: describe your day to both one person and to a group of people.
The researchers provided each participant with details from an imaginary day, with several enjoyable events (like joining a friend to see an excellent film) and some letdowns (like ordering an underwhelming dessert at a local bakery). They asked par­ti­ci­­­pants to document the day in letters written ­for each audience.
Here is an excerpt from a note in the study intended for just one friend: “My day had a rocky start. After a brief meeting with my mentor, which I was late for by the way, I met up with Charlize to go see a movie…I took her to the Cheesecake Factory for some dessert but they were closed and we had to settle for a Hot n Crusty around the corner. Womp Womp!”
And here is a selection from a note intended for a larger group: “Hey guys! I had a great weekend! I went with a couple of friends to see Iron Man 3. It was phenomenal. I really really enjoyed it! I thought it was way better than the second movie.”
In the first letter, the author was frank and self-deprecating. In the second, she airbrushed out her disappointments to make her day as enviable as possible. This is the vanity of crowds.
Betapa sosial media dan dunia maya ngasih ruang untuk mengekspresikan suatu sisi yang nggak mungkin bisa dilakukan di dunia nyata. Ngasih panggung untuk diri sendiri, menemukan orang-orang yang serumpun dan sefrekuensi.  

Betapa terkurasinya sosial media. Betapa besarnya usaha yang dibuat untuk menunjukkan pada khalayak bahwa my day is so enviable. Sungguh fana *menerawang jauh ke depan*. 

Auk ah.

Seperti yang pernah gw bilang, gw masih suka sosial media. Mungkin yang paling penting adalah manage diri supaya nggak jadi golongan idiot sepertu yang Ricky Gervais bilang dan ingatkan diri sendiri bahwa di balik semua postingan bahagia orang-orang di sosial media, boleh jadi itu yang mereka rasakan atau mungkin itu hanya bagian dari vanity crowds. 

Akhir kata, wabillahi taufiq wal hidayah, selamat kembali bermain sosial media. 

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